Download Record of the Federal dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons, and at City Point, and in the field before Petersburg and Richmond. Pub book
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Dead & Buried - Research Guide to Civil War Materials at.
Library of Virginia : Civil War Research.
Record of the Federal dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons, and at City Point, and in the field before Petersburg and Richmond. Pub
Dead & Buried - Amazon.deLibby Prison - Civil War Richmond
Research Guide to Civil War Materials at the Connecticut State Library - prepared by the History and Genealogy Unit, Connecticut State Library
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DIARY OF JAMES BAILEY "This diary was kept by Bailey in one of the small pocket editions so commonly used by the boys in the army. After he became aware that he could
In the aftermath of the war, a number of Civil War veterans' organizations came into being. The most extensive and powerful of the Union's veterans' organizations was
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The McKinney Maze‹
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Located at the southeast corner of 20th St. and Cary St. Used almost exclusively for officers, though it was also the receiving depot for prisoners through Richmond.
Sarratt/Sarrett/Surratt Families of America (SFA)© CIVIL WAR MILITARY PRISONS & P.O.W. CAMPS
Belle Isle & Salisbury Prison Diary James.
Andersonville Prisoner Name Search Vermonters at Andersonville: A-C D-J J-Q R-Y Ohioans Buried at Andersonville A-E F-L M-Q R-Z Belle Island, Richmond
Record of the Federal dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons, and at City Point, and in the field before Petersburg and Richmond. Pub
Dead & Buried - Belle Isle & Salisbury Prison Diary James..